Electrician Lake Macquarie

Book a Reliable Electrician in Lake Macquarie

PHONE: 0401 80 77 89

Reliable and Professional Electrician

PHONE: 0401 80 77 89


Suthelec specializes in residential and commercial services. Whether you need a small power and lighting wiring fix or the installation of state-of-the-art smart home, we have the electrician for you.


Our electricians provide a thorough consultation to explain your available options. With that information, you can choose the scope of work that’s right for your home or business and for your budget.


We strive to save you both time and money by combining experience, high quality parts and equipment, and exceptional service and reliable electricians. We will stick with the job until you are satisfied.


Keith was not only very professional but his workmanship is A1. can’t believe we are lucky enough to have a great electrician like Keith in our area.


Mish Howe – 09/06/2022

This customer did not write a review

Diane Gosling – 19/11/2021

Really appreciated having an electrician who turned up on time and did exactly what I requested.

Thank you!!

Emily Zhou – 16/11/2022

Warehouse LED lighting installation

High efficiency LED Highbay lighting with diffusers. Perfect showroom lighting!

Statement kitchen lighting installation

Stunning kitchen lighting installations to make a statement and bring your kitchen to life

Retail Shop LED strip lighting Lake Macquarie

Installing retail store lighting that is energy efficient, brighter and more attractive than the traditional fluoro lighting

Outdoor powerpoint installation

Installing outdoor electrical points for safety and convenience

major electrical work

Mains electrical supply

Commercial LED lighting installation

Installing office LED lighting and wall lighting

Solar panel installation lake macquarie

Solar installation

meter upgrade with solar panels

Switchboard upgrade for maximum safety, convenience, and future proof!

contemporary lighting advice and installation

Contemporary kitchen lighting advice and installation

Fan installation

Fan installation

Electrical tagging

Electrical compliance checks

Domestic powerpoint installation

Domestic powerpoint installation

Electrician Near Me

Adamstown Heights, Arcadia Vale, Argenton, Awaba, Balcolyn, Balmoral, Barnsley, Belmont, Belmont North, Belmont South, Bennetts Green, Blackalls Park, Blacksmiths, Bolton Point, Bonnells Bay, Boolaroo, Booragul, Brightwaters, Buttaba, Cameron Park, Cams Wharf, Cardiff, Cardiff Heights, Cardiff South, Carey Bay, Catherine Hill Bay, Caves Beach, Charlestown, Coal Point, Cooranbong, Croudace Bay, Dora Creek, Dudley, Edgeworth, Eleebana, Eraring, Fassifern, Fennell Bay, Fishing Point, Floraville, Freemans Waterhole, Garden Suburb, Gateshead, Glendale, Highfields, Hillsborough, Holmesville, Jewells, Kahibah
Kilaben Bay, Killingworth, Kotara South, Lakelands, Little Pelican, Macquarie Hills, Mandalong, Marks Point, Marmong Point, Martinsville, Mirrabooka, Morisset, Morisset Park, Mount Hutton, Myuna Bay, New Lambton Heights, Nords Wharf, Pelican, Pinny Beach, Rankin Park, Rathmines, Redhead, Ryhope
Seahampton, Silverwater, Speers Point, Sunshine, Swansea, Swansea Heads, Teralba, Tingira Heights, Toronto, Valentine, Wakefield, Wangi Wangi, Warners Bay
West Wallsend, Whitebridge, Windale, Windermere Park, Woodrising, Wyee, Wyee Point, Yarrawonga Park

Phone us direct: 0401 80 77 89

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